HON. SPEAKER: I thank you, Hon. Members who have come to this short sitting under the circumstances that are prevailing in our country and throughout the world, in terms of the deadly pandemic that is causing loss of lives each day throughout the world.
On that score, I would like to thank Members of Parliament who decided that we have a Special Prayer the whole of yesterday and we should continue beyond yesterday so that the Almighty can give us the necessary scientific knowledge and abundance of resources to be able to conquer this deadly virus.

I am happy that in general, Hon. Members have tried to stick to the World Health Organisation Protocols and Regulations that have been promulgated by the Head of State and Government, Hon. Dr E. D. Mnangagwa.
I am also happy that Members of Parliament have been interfacing with members of the community, to spread the message of adhering to these regulations. I am aware quite a number have been affected, but fortunately, they are now over the hump recuperating.
We pray that the Almighty God will continue to protect us, the nation and the Planet as a whole to ensure that the number of those that succumb is reduced dramatically
Parliament of Zimbabwe Hansard: 2 February adjournment