
Latest Hansard News

Timba announces CCC shadow Cabinet [Download]

Justice, Legal & Parliamentary Affairs: Hon Agency Gumbo, Finance, Economic Development &…

Daniel Chigundu Daniel Chigundu

PVO Bill Public Hearing Schedule [Download]

The Joint Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, and;…

Daniel Chigundu Daniel Chigundu

Parliament: Senate Hansard 18October 2023 (download)

I further have to inform the Senate that the Committee on Standing…

Daniel Chigundu Daniel Chigundu

Parliament: National Assembly Hansard 18 October 2023 (download)

Parliamentary Legal Committee: Hon. Gumbo A., Hon. Mahere F., Hon. Mutodi E.,…

Daniel Chigundu Daniel Chigundu

Parliament: Senate Hansard 17 October 2023 (Download)

I move the motion standing in my name that this House takes…

Daniel Chigundu Daniel Chigundu

Parliament: Senate Hansard 12 October 2023 (download)

Good afternoon Madam President. Let me thank the Hon. Senator for the…

Daniel Chigundu Daniel Chigundu