ElectionsZW: Use your MPs to get electoral reforms, says Chigumba
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) says people should use their legislators and councillors to demand electoral reforms and not blame the electoral board.
ZEC which is one of the independent commissions in Zimbabwe is tasked with running elections in the country.
However, many people and organisations have been blaming ZEC for its failure to implement proposed reforms that are deemed to be required for democratic elections.
Speaking recently, ZEC chairperson Priscilla Chigumba said the recommendations that are being proposed should be taken to the legislators and councillors as they have the powers for reform.
‘’Some recommendations that are being proposed by the people of Zimbabwe to do with elections, we only do recommendations, the minister justice is our line minister who has the capacity to take them forward to Parliament where laws are made.
‘’So, in your communities your role is to look for your councillor, for your MP, and ask them about what you want to see happening since you elected them.
“Tell them that when you go to Parliament we want to see this that in the country. Why is it not being brought up in Parliament? Because your MP is supposed to represent your rights and every concern that you have.
‘’The councillor is supposed to represent you to fix problems in the wards. ZEC has no power to change the laws, it has no power to put reforms, the law says we do recommendations, and we have made recommendations.
‘’An inter-ministerial task force was set up and we came up with the recommendations. If these issues are not being tabled in Parliament, you the people you choose people who go to Parliament ask them why nothing is happening,’’ she said.
The opposition in the country are among the top groups that are calling for electoral reforms. Others want ZEC to be reconstituted arguing that its secretariat is made up of the military.
ElectionsZW: Use your MPs to get electoral reforms, says Chigumba