ZEC yoramba kubvisa vaMwonzora musarudzo, hanzi makanonoka kuzvifunga
By Daniel Chigundu ZEC yoramba kubvisa vaMwonzora musarudzo, hanzi makanonoka kuzvifunga Bazi…
Presidential ballot papers cannot be printed without us: Kasukuwere
Presidential ballot papers cannot be printed without us: Kasukuwere #ElectionsZW By Daniel…
Blow for women as Court dismiss Linda Masarira’s application
Blow for women as Court dismiss Linda Masarira's application #ElectionsZW By Daniel…
D-Day for Linda Masarira, as court readies nomination judgement
We view this as a scenario where ZEC did not do due…
Meet The Candidate |Elisabeth Valerio |United Zimbabwe Alliance
Meet The Candidate |Elisabeth Valerio |United Zimbabwe Alliance #ElectionsZW United Zimbabwe Alliance…
How To Stay Informed During Internet Shutdowns
By Silvia Tsitsi Mukwindidza The Internet is a powerful tool for communication,…
Electoral Court sets date for Linda Masarira’s nomination challenge
The Electoral Court has given me a set down date which is…
Elisabeth Valerio wins her nomination challenge against ZEC
The High Court has ruled that ZEC made a mistake in refusing…
2023 elections: Everything went against women
‘’We have noticed that women have no courage they cannot stand the…