5th Post Cabinet Briefing: 12 March 2024 [Download]
Cabinet wishes to advise the nation that in light of the El-Nino-induced…
PVO Amendment Bill goes through First Reading in National Assembly
PVO Amendment Bill goes through First Reading in National Assembly #StopThePVOBill The…
Ziyambi moves to speed up passage of the PVO Amendment Bill
That will enable us to meet the targets as per the legislative…
Zviri MuGango: MaStudents arikumbodyei kumaUniversities uko? [Video]
Muzvikoro zvedzidzo yepamusoro vadzidzi vari kudyei? Panogadzirwa mitemo vadzidzi vari kudedzwa here?…
Death Penalty Abolition Bill: Here Is Why Mushoriwa Thinks Its A Good Move [Video]
Dzivarasekwa Legislator Hon Edwin Mushoriwa explaining why he thinks abolishing the Death…
Goromonzi Rural District Council Full Council Meeting [Video]
The Finance Committee resolved that we have to buy tablets for the…
US$80 for councillors is a mockery, they deserve better says Karimatsenga-Nyamupinga
The Government recently reviewed their remuneration but when you look at it,…
Farai Jere wants councillors paid a basic monthly salary plus allowances
What has been approved Madam Speaker, is an allowance. We are proposing that…
Hon. Bajila Calls Out Translation Errors in Official Parliament Hansard
I have been reading the Hansard a lot Madam Speaker. On the…
Sengezo Tshabangu sworn in as Senator for Mat North
The Members have been appointed to fill in the vacancies in the…