Tag: Tafadzwa Mugwadi

Zanu-PF Primary Elections: No feud exists between the old guard and the youth says Mugwadi

By Gracious Nyathi  Zanu-PF director for information, Tafadzwa Mugwadi has dismissed claims…

Editor Editor

#ElectionsZW: Zanu PF tells off US govt over calls for electoral reforms

#ElectionsZW: Zanu PF tells off US govt over calls for electoral reforms…

Editor at large Editor at large

Mnangagwa is abusing Parliament to pursue one-party state agenda: MDC Alliance

By Karen Nyeraurombo MDC Alliance says President Emmerson Mnangagwa is abusing Parliament…

Editor at large Editor at large

We will fight imposition of tyrannical systems: Chamisa

By Shamiso Ndangana MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa says his party will…

Editor at large Editor at large

Mugwadi: COVID-19 affected our manifesto promises

Zanu PF Director of Information Tafadzwa Mugwadi says COVID-19 which has caused…

Editor at large Editor at large

Manifesto Tracking: Modern trains are still coming: Zanu PF

Zanu PF says its promise of modern trains will come to pass…

Editor at large Editor at large