Zanu PF Director of Information Tafadzwa Mugwadi says COVID-19 which has caused havoc around the world has affected the implementation of their manifesto promises.
The ruling party presented an ambitious election manifesto in 2018, with colourful promises.

Some of the promises include dealing with corruption, creating employment, providing houses, modern trains and public transport among others.
However, the implementation of the promises has not been as colourful as the cover of the manifesto booklet.

Delays in fulfilling the promises
Most Zimbabweans say there is nothing tangible that has been done since 2018 to reflect or mirror the promises.
With almost three years have gone by since 2018, the party has blamed COVID-19 for its failure to deliver on the promises.
This is despite the fact that Zimbabwe only recorded its first COVID-19 case in March of 2020 (Zororo Makamba).
In an interview on Tuesday-Talk, Tafadzwa Mugwadi said COVID-19 stalled progress on the party’s manifesto promises.
“You are aware that as a result of this pandemic there were some programs and activities that could have been done last year but could not take place.
“Even we as the ruling party we could not hold our annual political pilgrim that is the Annual Peoples Conference. That is the same with so many government activities and programs, some were left hanging.
“A variety of our manifesto promises have been affected by COVID-19. The Annual Conference that we could not hold last year is an important conference where the party and its people meet to take stock of what has been done, what has not been done with leadership providing accountability to the people.
“They will be saying this we have not been able to do because of 1,2,3 things. This we have been able to do because of 1,2,3,4 things. And then the people and the party renew the contract and recommit themselves to fulfilling those things,” he said.
Covid-19 has placed a huge burden on Govt
According to Mugwadi, COVID-19 has thrown a heavy burden on the government where it has to now look for resources.
He said the Zanu PF government has many programs that speak to its manifesto which are meant to make people enjoy life but they can’t implement due to COVID-19 effects.
“There are programs that speak to our manifesto and vision 2030, they are in line with National Development Strategy 1, in line with the President’s vision and in line with the deliverables that we want to see our people enjoy, but because of this pandemic we cant,” he said. Get more Covid-19 Stats from #OpenCovidContracts #WhereAreOurVaccinesZW
Mugwadi: COVID-19 affected our manifesto promises