Put pricing cap on data tariffs to save the poor
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) has called on the government to consider putting a price cap on data tariffs to ensure the poor remain connected.
Internet is slowly becoming a preserve of the privileged few due to prices that have been going up.
Data increase has the potential to cause an information blackout on the citizens as social media has become the major source of information in Zimbabwe.
Most people rely on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter for current affairs.
Most government departments have active social media accounts where they constantly post updates on critical issues.
In a statement, ZIMCODD said if tariffs remain without a cap it will widen the already wide inequality gap in the country.
‘’Barely a week after Econet increased its data costs Netone also announced the new costs of purchasing their data packages. Telecel is expected to follow suit soon.
‘’Zimbabweans are at the mercy of the profit motive of the internet market which is controlled by only seven major internet service providers.
‘’The fact that these same private sector companies control the country’s internet infrastructure means that government has little power to intervene on consumers behalf. It also means that the country’s internet infrastructure and business model is beholden to the debt recovery interests of private creditors who financed the development of the infrastructure.
‘’These continuous price increases by the Telecoms give credence to calls for the government to impose caps on data price increases to ensure that all Zimbabweans enjoy the right to access the internet. Ordinary citizens who can hardly afford basics, more than half of whom are living in extreme poverty are heavily impacted and thereby left behind,’’ read the statement.
According to ZIMCODD, Zimbabweans deserve access to information in line with Section 63 of the constitution.
‘’The world has become digital, and Zimbabwe is not spared. Zimbabweans deserve to access information and one of the channels being the internet. Section 62 of Zimbabwe’s Constitution stipulates that every citizen has the right to access information.
‘’The rate that data costs have continued to rise leaves others behind and will increase the inequality gap between the rich and the poor with devastating generational implications,’’ said ZICODD.