THE ACTING PRESIDENT OF SENATE: Section 129 (l) (k) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that: “a seat of a Member of Parliament becomes vacant if the Member has ceased to belong to the political party of which he or she was a Member when elected to Parliament and the political party concerned, by written notice to the Speaker or the President of the Senate as the case maybe, declare that the Member has ceased to belong to the party. I therefore wish to inform the House that with effect from the 10th of November 2023, the following Members ceased to be Members of Citizens Coalition for Change political party.
- Sen Webster Maondera Harare
- Sen Jameson Timba Harare
- Sen Editor Matamisa Mashonaland West
- Sen Vongai Tome Harare
- Sen Ralph T Magunje Mashonaland West
Accordingly, if the aforesaid five Members are in the House, may they respectively leave the House now.