Tag: Emmerson Mnangagwa

PVO Bill: Proposed Registration Raises Concerns Over Freedom of Association

The PVO Bill incorporated drastic and adverse changes in regard to the…

Editor Editor

Workers Day Disruption Reflects Fractures in ZCTU-Opposition Alliance

The recent events surrounding the Workers Day commemorations at Gwanzura Stadium highlight…

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How the PVO Amendment Bill impacts freedom of Association

The proposed piece of legislation is retrogressive. It is likely to result…

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What is the right to education?

Recently the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development…

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Understanding PVO Bill Amid Circumstances

The Private Voluntary Organisations (PVO) Act is a legislation put in place…

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ZANU-PF Announces Candidates for Mt Pleasant and Harare East By-Election

ZANU-PF National Political Commissar, Dr. Mike Bimha announced George Masvavave and Kevin…

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