By Own Correspondent
Constitutional lawyer Professor Lovemore Madhuku has joined a bandwagon of people who are calling on the government to be more open with the COVID-19 vaccination plan.
Zimbabwe is reportedly putting final touches to its vaccination program that will speak to purchasing and rolling out of the vaccines.
Currently, there is no information on the type of vaccine that Zimbabwe will choose although US$100 million has been set aside.
People are also concerned that there was no consultation in coming up with the plan whose guidelines were approved by Cabinet recently. This has raised fears that the government might introduce a vaccine that has not been tested.
Speaking to the media recently, Madhuku said only a comprehensive vaccination plan can address doubts and information gaps.
“Government must layout a comprehensive program which highlights events that are going to happen with regards to the vaccination of the citizens.

“We are not convinced that the government information framework relating to COVID19 situation is adequate. We call upon the government to be more open and more trustworthy in that regard,” he said
Madhuku also urged the government to desist from copying COVID19 response strategies from neighbouring countries.
The legal practitioner’s sentiments also follows a High Court application by Zimrights demanding for the same plan and budget details.
According to Zimrights director, Dzikamai Bere “Throwing figures that have no source and details of how it is meant to work does not amount to a plan.
“Slogans and declarations do not amount to a plan. Propaganda responses to issues of life and death only show culpable negligence on the side of our national leadership.
“The so-called guidelines outlined by government are a far cry below what Zimrights has demanded of government in fulfilment of its constitutional obligations to protect the right to life and the right to health,” he said. Get more Covid-19 Stats from #OpenCovidContracts #WhereAreOurVaccinesZW
Madhuku calls for a comprehensive vaccine plan