ZanuPF won a majority of the local authority by elections according to the official results shared by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission on their Twitter handle.
ZanuPF won 5 seats in Rural District Councils and CCC one ward seat in municipal ward elections
The by elections were held in Insiza Rural District Council Ward 4 in Matabeleland South, Matobo Ward 2 Matabeleland South, Buhera RDC Ward 24, Mutare ward 18 in Manicaland, Takawira RDC ward 6 in Midlands and Guruve RDC ward 4 in Mashonaland Central.
Four political parties participated in the just ended by election held on October 22 namely; ZanuPF, Citizens Coalition For Change (CCC), National Constitutional Authority (NCA) and ZAPU.
The six by-elections were held in 4 provinces around the country.
Upon the death of the incumbent councillors the seats became vacant.
In accordance with the electoral act a seat becomes vacant after the death or recalling of the incumbent.
The results come after pre-electoral violence was experienced in some jurisdictions which was condemned by civil society organisations.
Election Resource Centre
In an interview before the election, Election Support Network Programs Manager Solomon Bobosibunhu said the pre-election violence had a negative impact on polls.
“In terms of the impact of the violence on the by-election, it will deter people from participating.
“Remember, the by-election is a small election in a ward with less than 3000 voters. So if they are less than 3000 voters and violence occurs they (voters) could face physical violence.
“In the case of Insiza, if a whole member of parliament could be attacked it exposes women, youths, persons with disabilities, and the elderly who are naturally supposed to be participating in the election
“Turn out could be very high because people will feel, if they don’t vote they will actually be violated.
“Or turnout will be very low because people feel that if we vote we are also exposed so that becomes a major challenge for the by election,” said Bobosibunhu.