Zim records 1 Covid19 death in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics go to Covidzw.info
Zim records 3 Covid19 cases in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/186477865_4310507695664735_787404408884126555_n.jpg
Zim records 3 Covid19 cases in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/E1Knw0IXMAAa1_C.png
Zim records 5 Covid19 cases in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/185020503_4296435753738596_1877921161843814689_n.jpg
Zim records 30 Covid19 cases in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/140235813_3927614250620750_6275361490464744570_o.jpg
Zim records 1 Covid19 case in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/182908395_4278265695555602_1937881470875690177_n.jpg
Zim records 3 Covid19 cases in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/182266690_4274505979264907_1599752399896290677_n.jpg
Zim records 2 Covid19 cases in 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/180673535_4261172967264875_7920811750025020788_n-1.jpg
Zim records 2 Covid19 cases in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/180673535_4261172967264875_7920811750025020788_n.jpg
Zim records 27 Covid19 cases in the last 24hrs.
For more information on Covid19 statistics download the link below:https://openparly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/180017227_4257573127624859_6899208484734921096_n.jpg