Members of Parliament

Latest Members of Parliament News

Child marriages are not a Marange issue but a national pandemic

Child marriages are not a Marange issue but a national pandemic Proportional…

Editor at large Editor at large

Chiefs delaying Marriages Bill because of lobola

Chiefs delaying Marriages Bill because of lobola Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi has…

Editor at large Editor at large

Mudenda blocking Biti’s return to Parliament

Mudenda blocking Biti's return to Parliament Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob…

Editor at large Editor at large

Make International Women’s Day a holiday

Mutasa North legislator Chido Madiwa has called on Parliament to ensure that…

Editor at large Editor at large

Chiri must be empowered to submit reports to ZACC

Chiri must be empowered to submit reports to ZACC Public Accounts Committee…

Editor at large Editor at large

Parliament did not action 2018 Auditor-General Report

Parliament did not action 2018 Auditor-General Report Parliament of Zimbabwe did not…

Editor at large Editor at large

Auditor General should not fear publishing names of looters

Public Accounts Committee chairperson Brian Dube says Auditor-General Mildred Chiri should not…

Editor at large Editor at large

Cyber Bill recommitted to Senate over errors

Cyber Bill recommitted to Senate over errors The Cybersecurity and Data Protection…

Editor at large Editor at large

#CyberLawsZW: Only nine Senators participated in the Second Reading of Cyber Bill

CyberLawsZW: Only nine Senators participated in the Second Reading of Cyber Bill…

Editor at large Editor at large